

EDIFACT data-format

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MSCONS is the abbreviation for Metered Services Consumption report message and is an electrical message-format for standardized transmission for load profile data and meter data, which is based on the standard EDIFACT. In the EDIFACT-Language is MSCONS a message type, which contains definitions for a specific and simpler exchange of messages for the sector energy industry.

In Germany became the usage of MSCONS, in the German energy industry as a part of business processes for costumer supply with electricity (GPKE), to an obligation. Since April 2011 is the MSCONS, as a part of market rules for the balance settlement electricity (MaBiS), an obligation.

With MSCONS is among other things a non-discriminatory energy data management (EDM) possible. Other countries like the Netherlands made this step before a couple of years.

Like in the most EDIFACT message-types exist for MSCONS nationality industry-specific definitions too. In Germany, the ‘Bundesverband der Energieund Wasserwirtschaft (BDEW)’ (Federal association for energy and water management) together with other associations and the Federal Network Agency determine this.

The using version of MSCONS can set in the settings of the Network operator.

visual energy can request MSCONS data via ORDERS or monitoring a directory or postbox and can process MSONS data. The requesting via ORDERS takes place with a Workflow. The monitoring of a postbox will be setup in the Automation settings in the System configuration area.

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